Posted by
2:09 PM
This blurred as sin photo is all that's available to the world at the
moment, so I added a little gingerbread man there to brighten your
blurry blues away. The notification bar's turned from a milk color to
a gray, a color more and more prevalent on the internet in layouts
these days, have you noticed? After that, there's lots of greens, a
prominent logo for whichever carrier you've purchased this from. The
main homescreen is essentially the same, most of the colors moving
toward a more prominent green, especially the Browser and Dialer
buttons which are no longer gray but a wild lime.
Sources report that a lot of the change will come through the feel of
the apps, making them more a part of the OS than a plugged-in bonus.
YouTube, for example, will be displayed in a way unlike any other
place you're going to be able to access it, with a full-screen
continuous play mode called "Lean Back" which you can also use to view
the newly -launched Google TV.
Things are getting bouncy as they've been getting on iOS devices and
on TouchWiz 3.0 devices when walking up and down lists. Force-fields
hit your finger as you reach the end of the line in either direction.
Gingerbread overall seems to accelerated, slightly smoother, and in so
many tiny ways just a little nicer. Then there's video chat.
Using the same protocols that power video chat on the desktop version
of Google Talk. SIP support will be added so you can receive calls on
your Google Voice number over WiFi and cell. This means that even if
you don't have a voice plan, you can use your device as a phone for
free just so long as you're within range of the internet. This feature
seems to be Gingerbread-and-higher specific. So what a tasty treat
there shall be!
Posted by
3:29 PM
Posted by
6:06 PM
Android Market users will likely also find more apps in the store,
thanks to Google's decision to allow developers in 20 more countries
to sell paid apps in the marketplace, raising the figure to 29 nations
altogether. The company said developers in Canada, Switzerland, and
Taiwan are among those who can now sell apps.
Developers can start selling apps on the Android Market immediately.
Customers looking to buy apps in the new countries can start doing so
"over the next two weeks," Google said. Android Market it's going to
additional countries in the coming months.
Posted by
9:10 AM
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