So, create a Gmail user, just getting ready to try without having to do the installation. Make that do not have a Gmail account, would have to register first to try Google's Buzz. Interested nge-Buzz? Learn what it used to Google's Buzz.
Google Buzz provides features that allow Gmail users can now quickly share messages, website links, and photos with their fellow colleagues Gmail users. Google's call to share ideas because it provides features such as Twitter messages, but without the character limit. It also features photo and video sharing as well as updates from various services that have been used, such as Twitter, Picasa, Flickr, and Google Reader.
This service is also accessible via smartphones, especially the special applications for Android, an open platform developed by Google. Google Buzz also be integrated into the Google Maps service so that users other activities can be seen on the map.
Strategy does Google is expected to strengthen its competitiveness to face the service of popular social networking sites, like Twitter and Facebook. Moreover, according to comScore research, Gmail is an e-mail service, web-based world's third most popular. The number of users in December 2009 reached 176.5 million. Gmail is still under Microsoft's Hotmail and Yahoo e-mail, each of which occupy the first and second positions with the number of users the world 369.2 million and 303.7 million.
This is not the first time Google released a social networking service. In 2004, Google launched Orkut social networking. In contrast to the social networking giants Facebook and MySpace in the United States, Orkut only managed to reach certain markets of the world, like Brazil. Google also launched Google's Wave, a new service which is currently limited to new users who were invited.
Similar steps had already been previously carried out Yahoo! though not yet known how much the level of popularity among users Yahoo! Mail. Yahoo! also tried to take the social networking market with the launch of Yahoo! Meme or Yahoo! Mim to Indonesia.
Labels: Google , Information Technology , Internet News
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