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Mobile game “Paul miracles - 2010” from i -Free and HeroCraft

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Company i -Free and the Russian producer of games for the cell phones - the company Of heroCraft in the collaboration with the first channel they reported release for the market for the [brendirovannoy] mobile Java- game “Paul miracles - 2010”, that is “mobile” version of famous capital- show “Paul miracles”. Product is created by the companies Of heroCraft and i -Free in the close collaboration with joint stock company “first channel”.

Game completely repeats logic and rules of popular television show, and also recreates its original stylistics and a visual number, than it is profitable, from the words of creators, it differs from other mobile games, made according to the television programs.

The chief characteristic of game - high-quality drawing and the bright animation, which reproduces the atmosphere of television show. Developers created the large gallery of [avatarov], which players can select for themselves: these are friendly cartoons to the well-known representatives of the peace of policy, sport, cinema and show business.

One additional advantage of Java- game - this is the possibility for the users to participate in the external tournament, whose conquerors invite at the capital- show “Paul miracles” as the players.

The base of Java- game “Paul miracles - 2010” counts today the order of 1 thousand original questions of different thematics and different degree of complexity. Participants can themselves select speed and complexity of game.



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