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What do you want to see on Ovi Maps – poll results

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

GLOBAL – Last week we asked you what kind of additional features and services you’d like to see on Ovi Maps. The results, as ever were pretty interesting and should foster some healthy debate around the topic. With over 300 voters taking part, local guides grabbing 40 per cent of the vote is a pretty solid signal about what matters most to folk. What’s more interesting though, is the great list of suggestions voters submitted – fodder for developers wondering what to do next with Ovi Maps?

News and information pulled up second in the vote, with 23.1 per cent. In fourth place was location based games with 10.9 per cent, narrowly pipping event tickets which plucked 10.3 per cent.

The others category though, which nabbed third spot, was peppered with great suggestions. First out of the bag is the ability to add things to your own database. Much more popular though was local transport details including tram, bus and train timetables, a bit like DB Navigator which was developed for Deutsche Bahn.

Virtual tourist guides was another suggestion, along with geocaching apps, which seem to be a pretty popular idea, coming as it did from a number of voters.

Social updates was another popular one, with the ability to update your location directly to Twitter, I guess at the touch of a button. Handy for when you’ve arrived somewhere where you might be meeting up with a bunch of friends.

Outdoors types will like the camping site and golf course suggestions, both pretty strong topics and an interesting one was tying the service into rouletaville.fr, a carpooling service for kids, which would help cut down on car journeys and still see kids getting to school safely, and on time.

Other suggestions included augmented reality, petrol prices and a connection to foursquare.com.



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