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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

INSIDE Open NFC™ is a commercial-grade NFC protocol stack that is available in an open source edition under the Apache™ License, Version 2.0. As a cost-effective, open-standards platform, Open NFC will improve the interoperability of NFC devices to help accelerate market adoption of NFC solutions.

The Open NFC protocol stack provides a complete NFC middleware solution for mobile phones, embedded products, and other devices. Open NFC supports several levels of functionality:

* Low-level RF control
* NFC Forum-specified tag handling
* Peer-to-peer communications
* Bluetooth and Wi-Fi pairing
* Interactions with single-wire protocol SIMs and other secure elements
* Compatibility with smart cards and RFID tags based on Felica, Mifare, and ISO 14443 standards

INSIDE’s Open NFC offers a consistent API across all NFC hardware, which simplifies and accelerates development. It also supports greater flexibility for OEMs and ODMs, enabling them to bring new solutions to market faster. INSIDE’s Open NFC 3.4 is available for WinCE 6.0 (compatible with Windows™ Mobile 7) and Linux 2.6 platforms, and an Android™ implementation is expected to become available at the end of March 2010.

As per the following public announcement made by INSIDE Contactless on April 21st, Open NFC™ source code and API documentation will be available on May 15:

For more information, please contact us at: opennfc@insidefr.com



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