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Nokia Research Center launches Chinese language blog

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

GLOBAL – Nokia Research Center has further pledged to be at the coalface of mobile innovation in the Far East by launching a Chinese language blog.

As the world’s largest mobile phone market, innovation in China has been gathering steam over the past year or so and now we’ll get the chance to peek into that world and the new frontiers being explored.

Au fait with the language of the East? Join us after the jump for more.

Operating from the NRC Beijing lab the blog will include all the breaking news and innovation streaming out of the lab in the Far East. Here on Conversations we’re unfortunately only fluent in pigeon Chinese but we’re sure to see some interesting new technologies and developments emerge on the blog. Are you looking forward to know more about what’s currently available in the Chinese market such as the Nokia 6788? Is there a particular technology in China that you’re excited about?

Currently posts include news about ongoing research at the Beijing lab including Rich Context Modelling and New User Interface as well as other topics effecting the market in China. The blog, similarly to its English language counterpart, will also cover latest research papers, and news on work with leading academic and research partners across China.

It’s an exciting development for Nokia and further evidence that NRC is a truly global phenomenon. With offices in Berkley, Cambridge, Nairobi and Hollywood, to name but a few, this new blog will certainly bring fodder to the innovation debate that we may not have been privy to before. Of course we will need one of you to translate… Can you read Chinese? Check out the blog and bring us the latest news in the comments below.



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