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blueKiwi Launches Free Version of Social Business Platform for External Online Communities

Friday, February 19, 2010

New Fruitful Conversations Community Brings Together Marketers, Community Managers and Social Media Thought Leaders to Share Best Practices.

SAN FRANCISCO -- blueKiwi, the global conversation company, announced the availability of a free version of the blueKiwi Social Business Platform. Designed for marketers, community managers and innovation teams, the new, free version delivers all of the social media tools necessary to create vibrant online communities with external audiences.

Now companies can deliver communities for customers, partners and prospects directly from their website. The easy-to-use interface makes it easier for any community manager to engage with members and bring the most important conversations inside the organization for analysis. With blueKiwi, companies can leverage the conversations from their user groups, channel programs and developer communities in order to increase brand recognition and drive business.

In addition, blueKiwi has also launched the Fruitful Conversations Community. Accessed through the blueKiwi website or within the product, this online community is open to any blueKiwi customer, whether they're using the free, premium or enterprise versions. In this community, clients and prospects can discuss critical success factors for community management, how to engage members, and measuring and leveraging conversations from the crowd.

Key Features:

Internal and External Groups: blueKiwi's free version includes one external community, to which users can invite unlimited external members, along with 10 internal community managers and unlimited internal groups.

Web 2.0 Features: Microblogging, polling, content sharing, bookmarking, ideation and events, all in a single community platform.

Simplified User Interface: Easy-to-use dashboard enables quick management of multiple communities.

Remote Sign-on: Embed blueKiwi communities directly into the website. Whether organizations use two communities or one, members can easily access their communities directly from a company website.

Profile Sync: Leverage Facebook Connect, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles to update your community profile and automatically update.

Fruitful Conversations: A complete online community dedicated to discussing best practices for online community management.


"Too many products cater to internal people. This is useless. The real power of enterprise 2.0 is bridging between external audiences and internal groups. If you don't complete the loop from external to internal, you lose the value and can't take the social advantage," said Carlos Diaz, CEO of blueKiwi Software.

"In today's business environment, everyone is managing a community of some sort, and their greatest challenge is finding new and innovative ways to engage those communities," said Erica Lee, VP of marketing at blueKiwi Software. "With the Fruitful Conversation Community, we are creating a space for people with the same challenges to discuss and overcome some of the hurdles of community management. And we'll invite some of the community gurus from around the globe to join us in these conversations as we all learn to listen and then leverage the crowd."





About blueKiwi

blueKiwi is the Global Conversation Company. Founded in 2006, our mission is to teach companies to engage the collective voices of the Web in conversation, in order to make better decisions about products, services, and business strategies. Our flagship product, the blueKiwi Social Business Platform, enables marketers and community managers to easily build, monitor and manage external communities and bring the best conversations inside the company and into an actionable process. Our customers and partners include leading global brands Alcatel-Lucent, BNP Paribas, Cap Gemini, Dassault Systemes, Nokia, Microsoft and Rainmaker. Join the conversation and turn fruitful conversations into real business actions at www.bluekiwi.net.



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