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Periods of the release of the renovations of piercing to Android 2.1 for [smartfonov] Of motorola [

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The company Of motorola declared about that, when its [smartfony] on the basis of the operating system Of android obtain the renovation of piercing to the very new version 2.1. This information appeared in the division of the technical support of the site Of motorola. Let us recall, was already released renovation to Android 2.1 for [smartfona] Of motorola DROID; also in some regions of Europe the Asian-Pacific region accessibly renovation for its analog MILESTONE. For the same model, which is sold in South America and Canada, Android 2.1 will be accessible in the second quarter of this year.

After Motorola DROID and MILESTONE will arrive the turn and another Android-[smartfonov] of the company:

* BACKFLIP (USA) - the third quarter of this year
* CLIQ (USA) - the second quarter of this year
* CLIQ XT (USA) - the second quarter of this year
* DEVOUR (USA) - periods at the stage of the determination
* DEXT (Europe) - periods at the stage of the determination
* DEXT (South America) - periods at the stage of the determination
* DEXT (the Asian-Pacific region) - the third quarter of this year



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