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China Mobile Launches World' s First TD-LTE Network with Huawei' s E2E Solution

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The download rate of the network is 10 times faster than existing 3G networks.

Huawei, a leader in providing next-generation telecommunications network solutions for operators around the world, announced that it has assisted China Mobile Communications Corporation (CMCC), the world' s leading telecom operator, launched the world' s first TD-LTE/SAE trial network enabled by Huawei' s E2E solution. The network, which offers a more than 10 times faster download data rate than existing 3G networks, will serve the entire 2010 Shanghai World Expo Park and some key pavilions.

Construction of the network faced challenges due to the more than 70 million visitors expected throughout the Expo and the complex coverage area that includes grass lands, rivers, roads and high density buildings. To address these challenges, Huawei' s industry-leading E2E TD-LTE/SAE solution provides high-quality, high-speed, large capacity and low latency coverage. With this technology, visitors to the Expo will have access to a variety of mobile broadband services, including high definition (HD) video transmission, HD video conference, HD video monitoring, HD video-on-demand (VOD) and HD live broadcasting.

Li Changzhu, Vice President of China, Huawei, said: "This TD-LTE/SAE network is one of the most exciting innovations to be showcased during the Expo. Visitors from around the world will enjoy the unparalleled services offered by China Mobile' s TD-LTE network. This milestone illustrates Huawei' s commitment to support operators around the world in delivering truly mobile media experiences to consumers."

As a major investor in TD-LTE/SAE technology and contributor in the development of its standardization, Huawei believes that the common development of TD-LTE and LTE FDD facilitates the efficient use of limited spectrum resources to meet performance and cost requirements of mobile broadband.

In May 2009, Huawei demonstrated TD-LTE-based inter-site and inter-cell switching for the first time in the world, marking a great leap forward toward massive commercial TD-LTE deployment. To date, Huawei has conducted more than 60 LTE networks, including commercial and trials with world leading operators. As of March 2010, Huawei has submitted more than 4,700 LTE/SAE standard proposal contributions to 3GPP and holds 181 LTE essential patents, becoming No.1 and account for 34% of the infrastructure vendors in LTE essential patents.



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