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Competition between Laptop Toshiba and iPad

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Two touch-screen laptop that Toshiba Libretto glide, will not be able to compete with the predicted dominance of  iPad. However, Toshiba claims that party, iPad and Libretto laptops are two different visions. W100 Libretto Toshiba's newly launched regarded as a better tool in creating content, rather than Apple iPad output. In fact, the Toshiba considers if iPad only be suitable for consumption of media content, rather than as content creators.

"IPad it has created a new market in terms of consumption of information, browsing and reading books. However, if the relevant manufacture or produce the content, we thought what we give up now (Libretto) is still fairly reliable than the iPad. Going forward, we want to master both , "said Toshiba Senior Executive Mashahiko Fukakushi.

According Fukakushi, iPad is really only for the use of passive content, but not so with a Libretto W100. W100 Libretto, a laptop equipped with a mini-operating system Microsoft Windows 7, and two seven-inch touch screen size, functions as a virtual world search, send and write emails or still exist to interact in social networks. All that can be done with the help of a virtual keyboard.



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