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life:) it proposes two weeks of free contact in ICQ

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ukrainian operator of the mobile connection of life:) it reported the beginning of the assignment of subscription to the service “Of [laym]” until July 15, also, during 14 days to associate in popular Messengers the Internet, without paying the cost of monthly subscription.

“[Laym]” from life:) - these are the possibility for all subscribers of operator to be copied with the friends and the familiar in most popular Messengers - ICQ, MSN and Yahoo with the aid of any cell phone. Furthermore, as operator reports, its service “Of [laym]” evolved - if earlier it was possible to use only through WAP, then now it was accessible also through the Internet.

For the connection [k] “Of [laym]” it is necessary to visit to the portal wap.lifebox.com.ua from the cell phone, to pass to the page of service “[Laym]”, to introduce the number of telephone and super-password and to confirm order.

Pay for the service - 10 [grn] per month (VAT and without the collection in pF, 1$~7,9 of [grn]). Also is paid the volume of transmitted and taken given through the point of access Internet.



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