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Microsoft Phone with Tegra will

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We have confirmed by an anonymous source that NVIDIA will be in the MWC to file jointly with Microsoft's new Zune Phone company based in the Tegra platform. This confirms that the new phone was developed in the image of the Zune HD which we were able to prove in the lab so it will be a phone with outstanding multimedia capabilities as the ability to play high-definition video of 720 points.

Yesterday we echoed the thoughts of the istartedsomething blog about some information that appeared on a Zune device USB driver that seemed to confirm the existence of the Zune Phone from Microsoft. Today we can confirm that the phone will be presented at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and that the device will be based on NVIDIA's Tegra platform, which will accompany Microsoft in the coming-out.

Tegra has already been used by Microsoft to manufacture its Zune media player HD, a device that we had the opportunity to test in the laboratory showed MuyComputer and thanks to NVIDIA's architecture, a truly outstanding multimedia capabilities such as playing high-definition video and the ability to run 3D games.

That is based on NVIDIA's platform allows us to deduce some of its specifications, such as WiFi connectivity, HDMI video output auxiliary screen 480 x 272 points and a weight around 70 grams. We could not confirm whether the device is equipped with the new Windows Mobile 7, but all indications are that it will.

The possibility that this afternoon the iPhone OS 4.0 by Apple makes the "counter programming" by Microsoft with its Windows Mobile 7 or Seven is made more likely by the day. Of course if Microsoft's new phone incorporates the best of HD Zune to Apple's iPhone has turned out a competitor really hard.




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