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New iPhone to Include Korean-Made Camera

Thursday, April 29, 2010

LG Innotek will supply 5-megapixel cameras for Apple's next-generation smartphone, the iPhone 4G, according to the industry on Wednesday.

The electronics component maker began producing the sophisticated cameras at its plant in Gumi this month and will mass produce them starting in the second half of this year.

The news means that LG Innotek's camera technology has been recognized in the global market, an analyst with LIG Investment and Securities said. As the cameras fetch high prices, they will improve the firm's sales, he added.

Bloomberg news reported in January that the upcoming iPhone will likely include a more advanced camera. "Upgrading to a 5-megapixel camera will bring the handset into line with that offered by Google's Nexus One," the report said, quoting a Goldman Sachs analyst. The iPhone 3G and 3GS are equipped with 2-megapixel and 3-megapixel cameras, respectively.



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