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Orange gives charities a boost with text donations

Monday, May 17, 2010

Orange is helping charities to reap the benefits of text donations by increasing the amount of money which is passed on to the charity. Orange will now pass on 90 per cent of all text donations between 15p and £10 to charities*.

Helen Davies, Head of Respect & Responsibility, Orange UK said: “Text donating is a quick, easy and more direct channel for donors and we want to encourage more charities to use this as a powerful means for fundraising. We’ve simplified our charges to ensure that 90 per cent of a text donation between 15p and £10 now reaches the chosen charity as standard. We’re keen to raise awareness of the fundraising potential of text donations and we know from our partnership with UNICEF that text appeals are a brilliant way to engage with customers, while raising significant funds that can make a real difference.”

Orange raised over £600,000, passing on 100 per cent of all text donations from customers, for UNICEF’s Haiti Earthquake Appeal – a global charity partner. In 2009, just under £2 million was raised for Red Nose Day from Orange customers alone, with 100 per cent of the text donations being passed on.

Orange also gives 100 per cent of all text donations to its own charity partners including Comic relief, Sports Relief, Children in Need and the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal.

*applies to registered charities with both the Charity Commission and HMRC. For more information, see www.chaitytext.org



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