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Highly productive CMOS - complementary metal oxide semiconductor the sensors Of samsung for the thin cell phones with the support HD of video

Monday, February 22, 2010

The South Korean company Of samsung Of electronics declared about the development of two new models of the sensors of image - S5K4E2 and S5K5CA, intended for the installation into the cell phones. Data of model, as producer declares, are specially intended for the installation into the apparatuses of the class Of hi-End, which will have very small thickness and compact sizes.

Model S5K4E2 is 5 [MP] CMOS - complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) the sensor with the size of 1 inch from extended by depth of focus and capable of being focused from the distance into 15 cm. this sensor makes it possible to conduct [videosemku] in the complete permission with speed 15 frames per second.

Model S5K5CA - this 3 [MP] the combined sensor of image with the size of 1 inch, which is the single-crystal solution, which includes CMOS - complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensor and the processor of image processing. As declares companies, her 3 [MP] novelty as the minimum to 25% less than existing analogs, has to 10% above relationship signal/noise, it makes it possible to remove HD of video (720p) and it is the ideal solution with the fixed focus for the thin cell phones.

The test models of the represented sensors at present are already accessible, and their mass production is planned for the end of the first quarter. Samsung plan to use given sensors in the new models of the cell phones of 2010.



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