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MWC: Microsoft presented Windows Of phone of 7 Series

Monday, February 22, 2010

The company Of microsoft used the world mobile congress (MWC 2010) taking place in Barcelona for proclaiming of [rebrendinga] of operating system for the mobile devices Windows Of mobile. Its new version was called name Windows Of phone of 7 Series. But after the change of name stands not only new image, but also radical changes in the very operating system. Its slogan from now on becomes life in the motion (Life in Of motion), and social component becomes the basis of functionality. With the development of new mobile platform actively were drawn on experience and solutions Of xbox LIVE and Zune. In this case, as it is declared, by the partners Of microsoft is already begun the development of the devices, which it will be possible to acquire at the end 2010.

As it was already said, Microsoft forewent the inheritance of the interface of the previous versions of platform. Was accepted the solution that [smartfon] - this faster telephone, than computer, and therefore contact with the device radically differs. Now, instead of the customary starting screen user will see “living tiles” (live of tiles), which can be what is to be done the label, which guides to the entire block of information about the contact, so widget either label, which guides to that, or other application.

All stored in the communicator information will be divided into several groups:

* People: all information, connected with the contacts, which are stored in the telephone, independently of the source (directory, network, the list of the taken calls so forth)
* Images: all graphic and video of image, which are stored in the memory of telephone and/or from the social networks
* Games: access to Xbox LIVE c of the telephone
* Music + of video: [multimedia] of [pleer] combined with the library and the Fm- radio. It is borrowed from Zune
* Market: the store of the certified applications and games
* Office: the united division of access to the office applications

To estimate the possibilities of new operating system from Microsoft will be possible into the pre-new-year season of 2010. In the number of companies, which, as it communicates, expressed the interest in the development and the realizations of production on this platform AT&T, Deutsche Of telekom AG, Orange, SFR, Sprint, Telecom Of italia, Telefónica, Telstra, T -Mobile USA, Verizon Of wireless, Vodafone, Dell, Garmin-Asus, HTC Of corp., HP, lg, Samsung, Sony Of ericsson, Toshiba and Qualcomm Of inc.



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