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MTI looks to 50% increase in PA and RRH shipments in 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Telecom and network equipment maker Microelectronic Technology (MTI) expects its shipments of power amplifiers (PAs) and remote radio heads (RRHs) for mobile base stations to increase by 50% in 2010, pushing its revenues for the year to NT$8 billion (US$249.22 million), according to the company.

Shipments of RRHs are currently running at a pace of 2,500 units a month, compared to total installed monthly capacity of 3,000-4,000 units, revealed company president Allen Yen.

Order visibility for RRHs has extended to June 2010, Yen added.

Related mobile base station products are expected to contribute 35% to MTI's total revenues in 2010, the company estimated.



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