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SE-dot: A place to get new ideas and discuss solutions

Saturday, March 20, 2010

SE-dot is a new community where we invite users to share ideas and bring them to life, by asking the simple question: What do you want your phone to do?

Ideas in SE-dot come to life and get discussed, debated and extended. Or maybe the discussion jumps to another place entirely. Many of the ideas revolve around mobile apps, so developers may find sources of inspiration, confirmation that users really do like an idea or even that an existing app fits the need.

We also feature applications on SE-dot so that users can download them, play with them and provide invaluable feedback.

Our YouTube video illustrates the concept:

The site is new and we will soon promote it to consumers, initially targeting web savvy users such as our Facebook Fans.

We invite developers to

* take part in the discussion – find and expand ideas
* develop applications based on ideas initiated by users
* reply to users where existing apps provide the requested solution
* join Developer World and create apps for our phones
* submit and sell apps via our PlayNow™ store to make them easily available to Sony Ericsson’s consumers

You can log in to SE-dot using the same MyAccount username (Email address) and password that you have for Developer World – no need to register again.



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