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Motorola Supports the FCC’s Focus on Public Safety Communications in the National Broadband Plan

Thursday, February 18, 2010

WASHINGTON, DC – Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) has partnered with public safety to develop and implement mission critical communications networks for over 70 years. We support public safety provisions for a nation-wide broadband communications network that can provide the interoperability, reliability, coverage, features and applications that meet the growing data needs of first responders. In response to the Federal Communications Commission’s update today on its plans to address the needs of public safety as part of the National Broadband Plan, Motorola Co-CEO Greg Brown issued the following statement:

“Motorola is pleased that Chairman Genachowski has made public safety communications a high priority and is including the broadband needs of the public safety community in the National Broadband Plan. Public Safety must have the resources necessary to deploy and operate a nationwide interoperable public safety broadband network capable of meeting the unique needs of first responders,” said Brown.

“Motorola shares the Chairman’s commitment to ensuring that public safety has the advanced technologies it requires and an interoperable network that is vital for mission critical operations,” added Brown.



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