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Android-[smartfon] Of motorola XT502 is approved Bluetooth SIG

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The organization Of bluetooth SIG certified [smartfon] Of motorola XT502 (possible name - Greco). On its site there is a sufficiently detailed description of device and even its image. Model works under control of the operating system Of android (most likely, version 2.1, but not 2.2). Motorola XT502 - this is [besklaviaturnyy] monoblock with the sensory screen, it works in the honeycomb networks GSM/GPRS (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) and UMTS/HSDPA (2100/1900/850 MHz).

In addition to this, Motorola XT502 are had the wireless adapters Of wi-Fi of 802.11 b/g and Bluetooth of 2.0+EDR, the support A -GPs and the built-in camera (permission not indicated). In the number of joints - USB 2.0 and 3,5- mm of audio. As the potential regions of sales of device are indicated Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and also North and South America, i.e. - the entire world. It is not thus far clear, when Motorola XT502 is put on the market and actually apparatus will leave everywhere. Although, possibly, for the different regions the company will prepare different versions of this model.



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