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Fire-Resistant Protective Clothing

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Safety in the work is essential to consider, as it related to the safety of human life. Therefore, every person who works in a place that has a high risk to the safety threat of resignation, then the necessary equipment that has been qualified to protect themselves from accident. Potential risk of injury to workers and even dangerous to life, so safety should be the focus of each company in protecting the lives of employees.

Important safety tools for use in the work, such as masks, helmets, ear cover, fire-resistant shoes, gloves and others. NFPA 70E Flame Resistant Clothing is the patron for the work, especially for those who work in places that there is a fire, such as in the oil & gas drilling, welding and so forth.

FR Clothing has been designed specifically to protect you from the danger of flame, and provide comfort in work. FR Cotton Coveralls is protective clothing that must be used by workers to health and safety.



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