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Edward Kennedy Died Aged 77 Years

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Edward M KennedySenator of Massachusetts, USA, Edward M Kennedy, has died at the age of 77 years after battling a brain cancer. Kennedy's family announced his death in a brief statement on Wednesday (26/8/2009) early morning local time. For nearly half a century in the Senate, the younger brother of the late President John F Kennedy's diligent fight for health issues, civil rights, war, peace, and others. In the eyes of Americans, he is the most famous figures of the Kennedy family who was still alive.

Edward Kennedy was elected to the Senate in 1962 when his brother John F Kennedy, became president. He became the third oldest senator in U.S. political history. Edward Kennedy has also been trying to become U.S. president. However, his efforts ended in 1969 when he was involved scandal known as Chappaquiddick, a car accident that killed a young woman. Kennedy, who nicknamed Ted ended his ambitions for the presidency in 1980 in a farewell speech that touched the heart.

Edward Kennedy's brain cancer known in May 2008, He later had surgery and chemotherapy. In a recent interview with the Associated Press, the son of Edward Kennedy, Democratic Congressman Patrick Kennedy, said his father was not intimidated by the doctor who calls the verdict of his life will not last for a year. In fact, he was able to survive beyond a year until he died.



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