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Kim Dae Jung Died at the Age of 85 Years

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kim Dae JungFormer South Korean President, Kim Dae Jung, died at the age of 85 years, Tuesday 18 August 2009. "He declared dead at 13:43 Seoul time, weak heart begin at 13:35 local time and then stop a few minutes later, though we try to help him." said spokesman Severance Hospital. Kim treated in the hospital since months ago because of pneumonia. Kim Dae Jung has won the Nobel Peace Prize, he has been bridging the first high-level meetings between leaders of the warring Korea. Meeting both leaders to help re-establish the relationship the two countries, which is still officially in a state of war, because in their 1950-53 conflict ended only with the armistice.

As a former member of parliament pro-democracy, Kim renowned reputation as a fighter of human rights and democracy. He was against the military dictator of South Korea and several times escaped murder. Efforts including the abduction and murder in 1973 dramatically in a hotel in Tokyo and the alleged perpetrators are agents of South Korea that time. He was selected to become president of South Korea in 1998-2003.



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