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Tips before buying web hosting

Friday, October 16, 2009

On the Internet so many web hosting services that offer low prices. But if we are not careful - the heart of our hope to get quality web hosting good can actually be disappointed. Before you buy web hosting, we must study the web hosting. Here are some tips that we can use to determine whether the web hosting we will buy good quality or not.
  1. Many asked for recommendations and experiences from other users. Example of the forum. The more positive recommendations the better web hosting it.
  2. Total of users. The more who use web hosting services is the better quality too.
  3. Web space. How much web space offered, ideal for personal web space is 50MB and 1GB of business. more web space, the better course.
  4. Domain name and WHOIS. if the domain that you buy in one place with the hosting service or not. would be better if it was one place so it is easy to manage. WHOIS very useful for business websites.
  5. Customer support. make sure you are easy to get help from customer support. would be better if the customer support providing a phone number so easily reached than via email or chat.
  6. Payment method. make sure that the hosting service providers that provide ease of payment
By observing a few tips before you buy hosting the above we may not see difficult at a later date. hopefully purchase a web hosting tips can be useful for us all.



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