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Q3, Revenues Up 74 Percent Nvidia

Monday, November 9, 2009

Nvidia has just released their financial statements for the third quarter ended October 25. From the report, noted that the graphics chipmakers from Santa Clara, California, United States had succeeded in raising revenue to 74 percent.

After announcing their financial statements, called the Jen-Hsun Huang, President and Chief Executive Officer of them as "the result of healthy demand from the market in all segments", Nvidia's shares on Wall Street also climbed 7.8% to number 13, 24 U.S. dollars per share.

"Despite having lost market share to AMD, Nvidia was still a good performance," said Kevin Cassidy, an analyst with Thomas Weisel Partners, as VIVAnews quotes from the Wall Street Journal, November 9, 2009. "Selling them, particularly products high end is surprising," he said.

"We continue to get progress in the third quarter with a healthy demand from the market in all segments," said Huang. "Revenue rose sebelunnya than last year, with the increase occurred in each of the PC business, professional solutions, and the consumer," he said.

In total, in the quarter that Nvidia had raised 107.6 million U.S. dollars. In the same period the previous year, the company only managed to get 61.7 million dollars. The company's profit rose 0.6 percent to 903.2 million U.S. dollars.



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