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“[Kievstar]” counteracts the propagation of computer virus with the use of the reduced numbers m

Sunday, February 21, 2010

As stated the Ukrainian operator of the mobile connection “Of [kievstar]”, it became known about the cases of the propagation of the computer virus, which blocks the work of the operating system of computer and proposes to unblock with its course of the sending of paid text message to the reduced number of the specific [kontent]- provider. For the purpose of the protection of its clients and opposition of the propagation of this virus, the company “[Kievstar]” took the number of the measures:

* The numbers of the reduced collection, which were being used in this virus, were blocked, and contract relationship with the [kontent]- provider were ended.
* “[Kievstar]” officially reported to the authorized law-enforcement agencies - division on the fight with [kiberprestupnostyu] MVD of the Ukraine about the cases, which contain the signs of swindle.
* “[Kievstar]” turned with the aid of and by request to develop and to grant appropriate program and antiviral guarantees into the company “[Maykrosoft]” and “the laboratory Of [kasperskogo]”.
* Now company “laboratory Of [kasperskogo]” proposes to use this service for the deactivation of the virus: http://support.kaspersky.ru/viruses/deblocker. For obtaining the code of the unlocking of computer it is necessary to indicate the number of the telephone, to which it is proposed to send text message; the text of communication, which is proposed to send. The code of unlocking will be given on this demand.
* Company “[Maykrosoft]” proposed to Ukrainian users the new antivirus program Of microsoft Of security Of essentials (MSE), which since February 17 is free of charge accessible to the noncommercial users of the license versions of the operating systems of Windows with the address: http://www.microsoft.ua/MSE.



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