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Microsoft said details about Windows Mobile 6.5.3

Thursday, February 4, 2010

We already know that before a major upgrade of Windows Mobile to version 7 will have at least one version, the changes which will not be so noticeable - Windows Mobile 6.5.3. At last about a month ago, the Consumer Electronics Show demonstrated working devices with Windows Mobile 6.5.3, but no official announcements about this version was not done. But recently an announcement of Sony Ericsson Aspen - the communicator based on Windows Mobile 6.5.3, it will be released in the second quarter of this year. Mary Jo Foley at ZDNet blog claims that she was able to get a comment from Microsoft about the new features that will appear in the Windows Mobile 6.5.3. Among them - better support for capacitive touch screen and ability to execute multi-touch, though, because there obviously is not integrated functionality in the OS itself, and the so-called "platform for building multi-touch", apparently, opening more opportunities for developers third-party software .

New Windows Mobile 6.5.3:

* Support for capacitive screens
* Platform for the implementation of multi-touch
* The buttons for easy finger control
* Horizontal scrolling replaced tabs
* "Magnifier" to more accurately hit your finger on the elements
* "Drag and drop" icons on the start screen
* Load time of pages in the browser
* The browser has become more smoothly and quickly respond to gestures
* Updated tools. NET CF 3.5, SQL CE 3.1
* Support for documents in Arabic
* Several fixes



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