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Windows 7 sold 90 million copies in less than 6 months

Monday, March 8, 2010

Windows 7 sold 90 million copies in less than 6 monthsSEATTLE - Only in less than 6 months, Microsoft claims to have successfully sold 90 million copies of Windows 7. Microsoft's latest operating system that went into production in July 2009 and released to the market in October 2009.

Achievement is reported by Peter Klein, Chief Financial Officer of Microsoft, last week, when delivering a presentation at the Morgan Stanley Technology Media and Telecom Conference and San Francisco, USA. Previously, Microsoft had never reported the sale of 60 million copies of Windows 7 in January 2010.

However, the businesses users of Windows 7 are still not satisfactory. As reported by the Telegraph, Klein admitted that it might happen because of the attitude of prudence IT managers to make changes. However, Microsoft believes that Windows 7 adoption among businesses will increase the launch of the service packs that fix some weaknesses and new features. Service packs are planned out this year.



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