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J'son & Of partners Of consulting: “The market for social networks in Russia, countries of East Europe and CIS”

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The [konsaltingovaya] company Of j'son & Of partners Of consulting presented the basic results of the market research for social networks in Russia, countries of East Europe and CIS, where it is noted, that in Russia lead the social Internet- projects Of vkontakte.ru and [MoyMir]@Mail.ru, whose monthly audience at the end of 2009 composed 17,7 and 15,6 mln. users respectively.

In the countries of the CIS are most popular the Russian social networks Of odnoklassniki.ru, Vkontakte.ru and [MoyMir]@Mail.ru. The project Of [moyMir]@Mail.ru leads according to the number of users in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kirghizia and To [moldove], in Belorussia and Ukraine the first place occupies Livejournal.com, in Armenia - Odnoklassniki.ru. The wide acceptance of precisely Russian social networks is caused by close social connections between the citizens of the CIS and Russia, and also by popularity of the Russian language in these countries. Also important factor, as they consider in the company, is advantage in the level of the quality of services and the presence of the large number of registered users as the basic value of social Internet- projects. Nevertheless, in all countries of the CIS are created and are developed national social networks, but in connection with the factors enumerated above any of these projects does not succeed in going around on the popularity Russian.

In East Europe, on the contrary, the originality of population and lingual isolation contributed to the development of the social Internet- services, oriented for the population of each individual country those, and therefore having interface in the official language. As a result in Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary in a quantity of users similar projects lead.

Exception is Rumania - country of East Europe, in which the greatest number of users of social networks is fallen to the American project Hi5.com.

In the company they consider that among the prospects for the commercialization of social networks there is a set of models of the commercialization of traffic of the social networks: advertisement and the marketing solutions, [kastomizatsiya] and [premium] services, game and entertainment, communication line services. In this case the success of the concrete models of commercialization in one or other country or another depends on the mentality of population, accessibility of paid services and pay tools for the users, the quality of paid services, income level of population and is other.



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