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Wine on the n900

Sunday, May 16, 2010

ARM based superphone n900 running the x86 wine binary via a statically compiled arm qemu binary, within an x86 chroot. I needed to enable misc binary binfmt support for x86 so stuff could fork /bin/sh.

I have been having trouble getting this going, with incomplete x86 chroots (like a basic old expanded color.gz from slackware). My cheap NAS had a backup dd of an old hardy install, so I nfs mounted via wifi on the phone, loopback mounted the image and was using that. This will no doubt have an impact on performance.

Wine is then running notepad (I think this is a wine version so not a perfect test, but I have run pscp.exe too, which is totally native). This video shows it's quite acceptably fast :)

TODO: get a proper chroot, probably debian ready made versions. I need /tmp/.X11-unix/ bind mounted for X11 stuff to work and proc and devpts for screen and other unix utils.
I need to better automate how this fits together and maybe even package it for the maemo extras repository.

My goal is running pandemonium at full speed. The graphics were a tad more sluggish than I'd hoped and PANDY.EXE didn't work on my initial attempt, but otherwise this still might work.



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