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Mozilla Firefox for Maemo released the final version

Monday, February 1, 2010

Company Mozilla has finalized the first final version of the Firefox browser for the platform Maemo. Mobile Firefox for Maemo is suitable primarily for the fifth version of the operating system and internet tablet (smartphone) Nokia N900. Apparently, some time will come for the version of Firefox Mobile for software platforms such as Windows Mobile and Android. According to the developers, the Firefox for Maemo 1.0, they tried to implement as many opportunities "desktop" version of Firefox.

Mobile Firefox for Maemo supports multiple tabs simultaneously and can synchronize tabs, history, mortgage and passwords with a desktop browser (function Weave Sync). In addition, according to Mozilla, Firefox - this is the first mobile browser with support for add-ons. Among its capacity as manager of passwords and downloads, pop-up blocker, locally-oriented search and so on. Firefox for Maemo 1.0 supports over 30 languages.



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