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“[Bilayn]” complicates life to swindlers

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Operator By [vympelKom] (the trade mark “Of [bilayn]”) reported about the taken measures for a decrease a quantity of complaints of one of the most popular forms of mobile swindle. The large number of complaints of subscribers of the swindle to the center of the support of the clients “Of [bilayn]” compose complaints on the situation, when to subscribers comes bell from allegedly the technical service of operator with the communication, that on the network are conducted the technical works and for subscriber it is necessary to introduce the specific code in order to avoid the loss of connection. The different version of swindle implies that to subscriber from the unknown number comes SMS with the proposal to connect/to open service or to participate in the action, and for the realization of this action also it is necessary to collect the specific combination of numbers. The code” is as a rule, " the encoded short command to the transfer of means to the calculation of another subscriber.

Operator analyzed the actions of criminals and proposed the modification of the functionality of the realization of service “mobile transfer” through information-reference USSD-[menyu]*111#. It was explained that the swindlers, either sent SMS with the combination of numbers and symbols of the USSD- menu of *111#, with the aid of which is achieved “mobile transfer” from one user calculation to another or they dictated it during the bell and requested to introduce into their cell phone, and to thus transfer means to the calculation of swindler.

After the introduction of new functionality with the collection of the complete combination of all numbers/of symbols for the realization “mobile transfer” the system will transfer subscriber into the main menu of the USSD- menu of *111#, after passing on which subscriber will understand that under the guise “the introductions of the code of reloading” it request to translate money from their calculation to another.



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