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8 SR Trigger Earthquake Tsunami in Samoa

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tsunami wave in SamoaShocks great earthquake in the Pacific Ocean caused a tsunami wave in Samoa and American Samoa, Tuesday, September 29, 2009. The tsunami hit several villages and killed 39 people. Some workers at the National Park Service facility is not known following the ongoing fate of the tsunami that drowned a number of people and cars. Earthquake of 8 to 8.3 on the Richter scale occurred early morning local time about 20 miles below the seabed, 190 miles from American Samoa.

Areas in the U.S. territory and is located 200 kilometers from Samoa was inhabited by a population of 65,000 souls. Mike Reynorlds, supervisors National Park of American Samoa, 4 explaining the tsunami waves reached a height of 4.5 to 6 meters which reached land area took place after an earthquake. Brunt of the tsunami to reach up to 1.5 kilometers land area.
8 SR trigger earthquake tsunami in Samoa and caused many losses.



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