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Church Building Collapsed Killing 24 Congregations

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Church Building CollapsedChurch building collapsed in Nepal, Wednesday, September 30, 2009, killing at least 24 churches and wounding 62 others. Around 700 gathered in a church congregation in the town of Dharan since Monday, September 28, 2009, to attend the meeting this week. Many of the congregation was sleeping in semi-permanent structure made of bamboo. The building is designed as a dormitory that was the collapse.

The church's spokesman, Moses Rai said the victims were killed was the congregation who sleep under and hit the building above them. Including the dead were 17 women and four children.
"Some of them were asleep and others preparing to sleep when the floor of the building above it collapsed," said Bharat Thapa, a police officer.



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