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Girl Killed Affected Pamphlet from the British Aircraft

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Afghan GirlAn Afghan girl was killed after a public information pamphlet boxes dropped by Royal Air Force aircraft in Afghanistan and landed upon her. British Defense Ministry said it was investigating the incident which he called a very regrettable incident. The imposition of the box occurs in the one area in the outskirts of the southern Helmand province of Afghanistan as part of the information campaign.

"Sad she hit the fall of a box full of pamphlets that causes Afghan girl was badly injured," RAF spokesman said. "the girl admitted to a local medical facility in Kandahar, despite the best efforts have been made, she died of injuries." Officials say they do not know what kind of pamphlets dropped from the plane. The incident occurred in the midst of anger related to the number of Afghan civilian casualties in conflicts between foreign troops and Afghan forces with the Taliban group increased, in a country plagued war.



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