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11 Gb / s transmitter millimeter from Sony

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sony has announced the development of a system of data transmission in the millimeter range, which will provide high speed. Among the expected benefits of the new system - decrease in size and cheaper actual transmitters. Also, states and greater reliability. Used in the transmitter frequency - from 30 GHz to 300 GHz (wavelength - 1.10 mm). High frequency provides high-speed data transfer, and the use of millimeter waves allow for a maximum compact antenna.

High technology is already used by Sony. In the future, such as data transmission systems can be embedded in appliances, such as, for example, televisions. Currently, a prototype system was implemented on a chip using the rules of 40 nm CMOS (CMOS) process (the total area of the transmitter and the receiver was 0.13 mm2), with data transfer rate is 11 Gbit / s at a distance of 14 mm, and antenna size did not exceed 1 mm. The use of such transmitters instead of wired connections will increase the reliability of the system during transportation, as well as reduce weight and reduce the volume of the device, which will increase their mobility.



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