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Sony Ericsson refused to build the Google Phone

Thursday, February 18, 2010

When Google was developing mobile phone Nexus One asked the Sony Ericsson produce it. But Lunda The company turned down the giant of Silicon Valley. On the other hand is Sony Ericsson look to other electronics in the home.

In recent days, hot reputation in the mobile trade show in Barcelona, that Google has wooed Sony Ericsson for the launch of Nexus One, is now confirmed by the Chief Executive Officer Bert Nordberg.

Sony Ericsson has long experience in producing mobile phones and its own factory in China, the necessary pieces of the puzzle when Google would launch its first own phone.

But Google got turned down. Brand Recital weighed heavier. Sony Ericsson will only produce phones under its own brand and not be subcontracted to others.
- It would be in itself an alternative way out to the market, "said Bert Nordberg, but we'd rather by their own efforts on the important U.S. market.

On the other hand, he sees other interesting growth areas for the company.
- You will see us expand into other consumer products as they grow together, for example at home. Sony has a huge database of content such as books, movies, games and other things that are valuable to our customers, "he says.

Sony Ericsson's Play Now web store has 45 million customers who should have access to these products.

Games on the mobile phone is considered the next big area for phone manufacturers, for cameras and music players. According to development manager Rikko Sakaguchi is not just about the Olympics moves into mobile phones, but to mobile community and entertainment industries are converging.
- We will basically continue to be a mobile phone manufacturer, but the vision is a convergence of communications and entertainment, "said Rikko Sakaguchi.

Although Sony Ericsson turned down Google says relations remain good. Sony Ericsson are betting big on Android, Google's operating system for mobile phones, in their upcoming products.

Before Bert Nordberg was President of Sony Ericsson in the fall, he was head of Ericsson's operations in Silicon Valley in California.

Meanwhile, where he met many of the big companies' top executives, as Google's Eric Schmidt.

In mobile trade show in Barcelona, Nordberg, among other things, met Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and discussed the new operating system Windows Phone 7, which will appear in Sony Ericsson phones.
- We will never bet on just one operating system, because we do not know where the market is going, "said Bert Nordberg, and also opens for Linux in future mobiles.




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