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Nokia takes clear lead over Samsung

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nokia's X6, 5530 and 5330 handsets put it 4% ahead of arch rival in March
Nokia has recaptured a clear lead over Samsung in the UK market, according to recent market share figures.

Sources said as of the end of March, Nokia has around a 4% lead on Samsung, with the X6, 5530 and 5330 handsets doing particularly well.

Samsung held the number one position for the two months before Christmas, after taking the top spot several times during 2009.

However, sources told Mobile that Samsung's lead had been fuelled by its low-end E1120 handset, which was sold in Asda for £4.99 during the run-up to Christmas.

Asda is understood to have sold 350,000 of the devices in a four-week period, giving Samsung around five points of share. The grey market cost of the phone is around £13.99.

One distributor source said: 'Everyone's feeling more positive towards Nokia. They are doing a lot and it might be enough to get strong business.'

Meanwhile, some blamed Samsung's slow approach in bringing its flagship device, the Wave, to market on its drop in share. One source said: 'The Wave is way too late.'

Samsung has produced new QWERTY and slider Genio variants this year, as well the Google Android-based Galaxy Portal.

CCS Insight analyst Ben Wood said: 'Samsung cant afford complacency in the low end. It will come under pressure from Nokia which hasnt announced a cheap touch-screen, but we think it will.'

He added: 'The mid part of the market is gone now. It's the lower cost prepay segment or a smartphone.'

'The Wave is a beautiful product, but [Samsung's platform] Bada hasn't got the credentials that Android and BlackBerry have.'




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