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Sony Ericsson Create Now Tour in Japan event attracts a packed audience – more events to come

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sony Ericsson’s Create Now Tour is a series of events, hosted by the local Sony Ericsson Marketing Units in each country, where developers can meet with our country representatives and Developer World experts to learn more about our products and to discover the significant opportunities in working together.

Sony Ericsson Japan announced the “Create Now Tour in Japan” event in Tokyo and invited developers to sign up. Just one hour after the booking website went online, all the places had gone!

On the day, 300 enthusiastic developers packed then venue to hear about XPERIA™ X10 and Android from Christopher David, Simon Walker and Kalle Dahlstrom of the Developer World team. The event featured a “touch and try” session on the XPERIA™ X10, which was very popular.

We also covered the fantastic opportunities for developers to go global via PlayNow™, our one-stop content store, and our newly announced Creations™ service which facilitates community co-creation of content.

We will soon make APIs available for developers to integrate with Creations via our OpenAPI Program. The developers that we met were very keen to learn more and we expect to see some very interesting apps as we roll out the Creations™ APIs.

“The Japanese developers are really on their toes and want to start working with us. We spoke with several very good developers and the event was a great success” said Kalle Dahlström.
Sony Ericsson Japan is organizing further “touch and try” eventsfor the XPERIA™ X10 on March 6 and March 12. More information here (in Japanese)



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