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iPhone 4G will obtain [mnogozadachnost] on the model Of exposé?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Information flow against iPhone of the fourth generation becomes ever more and more saturated. The nearer to the summer, when possibly costs [reliz], the greater the information about the telephone. This time its source became the resource Of appleInsider, whose representatives gathered separate data from the sources “of close ones to the reliable”, i.e., the producers of different parts of the future telephone. Their large part - confirmation is earlier than known rumors about the functioning OS of model. According to these data [mnogozadachnost] will be realized not through the strange applications, but with the aid of the interface of similar Of exposé. In the operating system Of macOS of the X, Exposé show to users not only what applications they are neglected, but also the miniatures, which demonstrate these applications (similar system there is also in OS Windows 7 from Microsoft). Is done this for simplification in the navigation, but, taking into account that iPhone not laptop computer and not computer, but altogether only telephone (probably) by 3,7- one inch screen a similar system can prove to be not so already a convenient in the pure form - with the presence of several neglected applications the miniatures can commonplace not be placed on the screen.

To avoid this, as indicates source, into Apple they decided to use a system of [ikonok] of applications. As precisely it will act - it is not refined, but, most likely, the call of system will be achieved by dual the pressure of central key. Also it communicates about the introduction of the united post client, who will be able to process letters from all boxes in one window. Furthermore is expected the appearance of a possibility of adding the contacts on the domestic screen, similar this is already realized in the interfaces of some other producers.

On the previous unclearly will be thus far [reliz] of the operating system of iPhone OS 4.0 separate or its idea will be timed to the production of the new version of the apparatus of iPhone.



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