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Universal sensory 3D/2D display from SHARP for the mobile devices

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Japanese company Of sharp reported the development by it of the sensory three-dimensional [ZHK]- display, which has, on its statements, the highest brightness in the branch it makes it possible to be switched between the regimes of the survey two- and exploded views. Furthermore, for the survey of exploded views on this display from the user it is not required to put on special glasses, which makes similar [ZHK]- displays ideal for the application in the portable devices, such as digital cameras, cell phones and [smartfony].

For mapping of exploded views in the new [ZHK]- display is used the system the parallax of barrier, that is a number of the vertical slots, which are activated with the survey of 3d images and are disconnected - with the survey of usual picture.

The mass production of the new 3d models of sensory [ZHK]- display is planned by company for the first half of financial 2010.

Brief technical characteristics of the novelty:

* Size of the screen: the 3,4- inch
* Permission of the screen: FWVGA (480[kh]854 of pixels)
* Screen brilliance (in 2d regime): 500 [kd]/[m]2
* Contrast: the 1000:1
* Presence of the sensory panel



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