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Review of Carl Zeiss Cinemizer Plus Video Glasses

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mobile-review have posted a review of the Carl Zeiss Cinemizer Plus Video Glasses. Here is their final impression.

It is quite a problem to imagine a scenario where this device would be used. Suppose you have a long flight. You are in the first class, you take your Carl Zeiss Cinemizer out and start watching a movie. Three hours later the battery runs out and you need to charge it. Well, you put the glasses in the charger, take out a laptop and continue your movie using it or another portable device. Just like PSP or iPad. That doesn’t matter.

What matters is that now, some laptops are capable of working in video mode for more than ten hours. That refers not only to extremely expensive models, but also to those quite affordable. There are also players with wide screen display, working for a long time. There is, after all, the same iPad. The scenario of using the glasses during a flight is a fiction from the beginning to end.

So what can we do? Walk along the street wearing the glasses and watching the film? Use this gadget in public transport? Have an hour break at work? Things like that sound ridiculous. It is a mystery why we need this magical gadget. It is another mystery when it is purchase by someone at a price point varying from 330-390 Euro.

It’s a piece of slag rather than a gadget.



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