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The number of active Internet- users in Russia exceeded 25 million people

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fund declared public opinion, what in winter 2009/2010 years number of active Internet- users in Russia exceeded 25 million people (increase for the block - of about 8%). In five years a quantity of active users of the Internet it increased approximately five. About this testify the results of the sequential issue of a study “the Internet in Russia”.

If we define Internet- users maximally widely - as half year Internet- audience, then their portion is of about 37% of the adult population of Russia (43,3 million people). This is compared with the population, for example, of Spain, where in all live about 40 million people. The Russian users of world network compose approximately 10% of all European Internet- users.

Central federal region (13,2 million people) and Volga federal region are leaders in a quantity of users in RF (8,6 million people). In this case in [TSFO] only in Moscow are fallen 5,8 million Internet- users.

The absolute majority of Moscow users leave into the network from the house - 94%, and almost half - from work (48%). As a whole on Russia from the house to the Internet they are connected by 8 of 10 Internet- users, and on the work - approximately each third.

As the basis of bulletin lay united data of the regular interrogations of fund public opinion, carried out during the season (winter 2009/2010). In all are interrogated 24 thousand respondents of older than 18 years.



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