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Eighth Semi-Annual CIMA Survey Reveals Improving Conditions

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

CHICAGO -- To gauge the state of the interactive marketing industry and explore trends, the Chicago Interactive Marketing Association (CIMA) conducted its eighth semiannual survey. Data was collected during Q1 2010 from over 100 respondents across the CIMA community.

Improvement in the health of the industry. Troy Mastin, CIMA Board Member, who tabulated the survey results, noted that responses showed the first decisive signs of industry strength since the economic downturn began. Most notably an expectation that interactive marketing budgets will grow 9.0% in 2010, nearly double the predicted 5.0% in 2009. Alleviation in online media pricing is evident with a 2.7% decline cited over the past six months, down from nearly 5% declines in 2009. On a scale of one to five (five is healthy) the industry was rated at 3.60, marking the first improvement since 2007.

Apple and Google: Winners in burgeoning smart phone market. Results revealed bright outlooks for mobile Internet advertising with 50% of respondents identifying it as the form of online advertising expected to grow the fastest in 2010, up from 25% in 2009. The rapid adoption of Apple and Android-based smart phones was evident with two-thirds of respondents split equally choosing them as best positioned to gain handset software market share by 2012. RIM stood at 11%, Microsoft at 5% and Nokia at 1%. Regarding mobile ad platforms, 44% percent of respondents identified local and location based ad models as future winners while search received 21% of responses.

Facebook and Twitter losing momentum to Google. Survey results in Q3 2009 indicated an equal number respondents (27%) commenting that Google and Facebook were best-positioned to lead the industry, but in Q1 2010 survey results, Google re-established its lead with 36% , versus 28% for Facebook. Views on Twitter faded dropping from 10% to 7% from 2009 to 2010. Twitter is expected to fade further as 58% of respondents indicated it will be less popular by 2012. Groupon and Foursquare were standouts as hottest emerging companies out of 30 companies identified.

For more survey results and details, please visit www.chicagoima.org.

About CIMA:

CIMA, www.chicagoima.org, is Chicagoland's only interactive-centric organization devoted to the enhancement and development of interactive business. Founded in 1997, CIMA focuses on thought-leadership and outreach through forums, panels and seminars and has been lauded by industry professionals, think-tank panels and corporate marketing blogs.



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