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Ukrainian MTS changes juridical name

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Operator of mobile connection “MTS the Ukraine” [obyavilt] about a change in its designation to the private public company “MTS the Ukraine”.

As is said in the statement, the closed public company “Ukrainian mobile connection”, for the purpose of the guarantee of unity Brenda, also, to fulfilling of the law of the Ukraine “about the public companies”, changed its designation to the private public company “MTS the Ukraine” (code from [EDRPOU] 14333937, location 01601, city Kiev, ul Leipzig, 15, the abbreviated designation Of [prAO] “MTS the Ukraine”).

In this case the code from [EDRPOU], location, and also pay properties and individual tax number of payer VAT remained without the changes.

All rights and responsibilities for the agreements, concluded of privately held company “Ukrainian mobile connection”, completely preserve their force for [PrAO] “MTS the Ukraine”. Accordingly, increasingly previously concluded agreements, which act also on which continue to be carried out the obligations, preserve their force fully taking into account the information, presented in this communication, and require not what reshaping or introduction of formal changes.



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