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Delivery Manager for Android l Telargo

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

elargo's Delivery manager is the first complete Android based delivery management application. Watch it in action on Google Nexus One phone.

It allows the user to optimize, verify, track, navigate to and report the statuses of a complete range of daily trip orders in real time.

Some of the benefits of Delivery Manager for Android

1. Workflow support
2. Real time trip order execution
3. Integrated CRM data
4. Navigation
5. Proof of delivery signature capture
6. Bar code scanning

Two of the vital functions to the logistics process are the proof of delivery (via signature) and bar code scanning option. These allow logistic managers to verify and track the orders.

What looks to be a fancy user interface application is running on extensive Telargo system, that allows trip orders to be scheduled, optimized and tracked in the most demanding real time situations.

The Android based Delivery manager is running as an upgrade of the Telargo On-board hardware. Reliable and robust, the Telargo technology has been proven in some of the world's most demanding environments, subject to the outages of GPS signal due to high buildings (Hong Kong, New York), tunnels (Alpine regions ) and weather influences (Dubai, Sumatra).

More about Telargo at: telargo.com

Delivery Manager for Android l Telargo from Telargo on Vimeo.



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