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First look at Windows Phone 7

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mobile-review have posted a first look at Windows Phone 7. Here is their final impression.

The system makes the impression of somewhat incomplete, if being not in the initial stage of development it is clearly not in the alpha version, not to mention the beta one. Till the end of 2010 the developers have still enough time to make a lot of improvements in the OS. While what we see now, does not make any impression. Everything is too ascetic, too easy and too familiar. Perhaps this is caused by emulator’s shortcoming. But judging by what was shown at the Mobile World Congress that is the current state of affairs. Therefore it would be a mistake to expect the Windows Phone to make a lasting impression at the time it will appear. This is a return to the market that starts from the very beginning, i.e., from scratch. And it must be understood. New Windows Phone 7 does not have anything to do with Windows Mobile. Should we compare the capabilities of the two OS directly the Windows Mobile is greatly superior functionality-wise but not in terms of interface. I believe that those strategic decisions that have been laid in Windows Phone 7 would be winning, but with time. Initially the system will disappoint. And what an impression it made on you? Let's discuss this in the forum.



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