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Just5 CP10: the continuer of the rule “of anti- -iPhone”

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The telephones of the company Of just5 were originally developed for the elderly people and the schoolboys of initial classes. Also it is were very convenient convenient for the people with the weak sight: apparatuses have small display, but large symbols are reflected on it, and the buttons of keyboard, which occupy almost completely front panel, are also convenient both by their large size and by well distinguishable symbols. Furthermore telephone has the capability to send SOS communication (bell according to the previously programmed numbers), but blocking is accomplished not by combination of keys, but by slider- switch.

The unexpected success, which arrived at the model Of just5 CP9, was caused by the fact that minimalistic design and the maximally reduced functionality they drew attention to the apparatus as to the exact opposite of contemporary highly technological [smartfonov]. Advantage over the latter became relatively low cost and high reliability - the apparatus simply to something to reject and “to [glyuchit]”. By such means Of just5 CP9 it was converted from “[babushkofona]” into the amusing accessory, which they buy for the uncommon form as the second or “emergency” apparatus.

The represented continuer, the telephone Of just5 CP10, on the functionality of almost no new features acquired. Exceptionally outer side underwent processing. The size of screen was increased, apparatus became more rounded, and its housing is made from the plastic of soft of touch. Only difference from the previous model according to the properties became the addition of [vibrozvonka], which was made on the basis precisely of [imidzhevosti] of telephone. As the additional possibilities of those inherited from the predecessor remained the lantern and Fm- radio not requiring connection sets.

The recommended retail cost of the telephone Of just5 CP10 - 3 930 rubles, simultaneously with the entering into sale to new model the cost of old is reduced to 2 930 rubles.



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