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Make It Happen at OSCON

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Early Registration Now Open - Save $250.

There is big change in technology and society, and open source is making it happen. Cloud computing is transforming our toolkit, from NoSQL to systems management. Mobile services are growing exponentially, set alight by Android and iPhone. New languages and APIs are flourishing. Developers must adapt to a rapidly evolving platform, which open source is the key to managing and steering.

Rapid change presents opportunity as well as challenges. Open source isn't just about being cost-effective, it's leading in innovation. You can change the game in your business, your community or even the world. OSCON brings together people like you from across the open source universe to learn, inspire each other and collaborate.

Join us in Portland this July to:

* Explore the benefits and challenges of building scalable applications for the cloud
* Use open source to target Android, iPhone and other mobile platforms
* Understand how and when to use NoSQL databases
* Learn best practice from experts in Python, Java, Ruby, Perl, PHP and JavaScript
* Use open source effectively as part of your business strategy
* Learn how to foster contribution and adoption of your open source projects

At OSCON, you'll participate in hundreds of sessions covering open source languages and platforms, practical tutorials that go deep into technical skill and best practices, inspirational keynote presentations, an Expo Hall featuring dozens of the latest projects and products, fun networking events and activities, and the best "hallway track" around.



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